We are lucky enough to be living in Amsterdam on a work assignment. This is mostly rambling thoughts about our adventures and life here.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

At your own risk...

Something we have noticed here is people get up to some crazy stuff, even biking down the road can "fall" into that category. (pun intended).  It seems to be a sort of "at your own risk" society. One of my theories is that litigation must not be a course of action if your decision to climb on the IAMSTERDAM sign goes sideways and eventually downward on your head...

Some of the parks are a little dangerous too and they are meant for children.   With 12 year olds we are not complaining and have really enjoyed exploring some of these "riskier" parts of town.  (Note this does not include the red light district or coffee shops, those are are entirely out of our league).

This is one of our favourites, which we call ROPE PARK since we have no idea how to pronounce what the sign actually says "Speeltuin U. J. Klaren"

Even local festivals have a "come at your own peril vibe"...like you never know when a T-Rex is going to come up and eat your baby! I felt like I was in Jurassic Park briefly.  The child cried and the parents laughed...either he is going to grow up to have a weird thing for Paleontologists or a phobia of giant reptiles.