We are lucky enough to be living in Amsterdam on a work assignment. This is mostly rambling thoughts about our adventures and life here.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Dutch Food: Pickled Herring (AKA Demented Sushi)


Easton, "This tastes how you would expect it to taste from it's name. I would advise, EAT WITH EXTREME CAUTION and don't purchase a lot."

Connor, "Cold, Slimy and Raw meat.  It's like a worm and a fish had a baby. Pickles not included." Although Connor did eat several bites, not just one.  He also is the author of what we now call it, Demented Sushi.

Kristin,"It's not bad, but it's not good either.  It's better when eaten with lots of pickles and raw onions. Yes, raw onions, that's how much you want to drown out the taste."

Luke, "At least it didn't tasty 'hairy' (herring - haha, groan) "


  1. Haha, I love the pictures! Sounds ... Gross. A worm and a fish had a baby!!! Bahaha
