We are lucky enough to be living in Amsterdam on a work assignment. This is mostly rambling thoughts about our adventures and life here.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Diamond Museum

The Diamond Museum was surprisingly interesting.  We weren't sure what to expect, certainly not clips of famous movie "Diamond Heists", replicas of most of the well-known world diamonds and definitely did not expect a giant gorilla skull covered in diamonds.  While most diamonds were not real, it was still fun to see and a quick visit, free with our "MuseumKaarts"

The museum starts with the science behind diamonds, how they form from coal and where major deposits are located.  This was a next step in our summer geology lesson, after going to Frank Slide with Aunt Geologist Nicole, learning all about coal, then going coal hunting.

I did not realise Amsterdam is the Diamond Cutting capital of the world, while the diamond selling capital is Antwerp, Belgium (80% of the world's diamonds go through here!).  We learned it is a very specialised skill to cut diamonds and there are only a few places it is done in the world.  The Dutch have records of doing it for over 400 years and some very special diamonds included - Crown jewels!

Practising our diamond cutting skills...

There was also a cool section on real v. fake and how experts tell the difference.

Yes we are fancy, trying on Diamonds...haha...

Nicole, can you take us on a field trip to find some diamonds soon?  In the meantime we'll be catching up on some movies...Pink Panther, To Catch a Thief, Ocean's Eleven, Flawless, any others?

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