We are lucky enough to be living in Amsterdam on a work assignment. This is mostly rambling thoughts about our adventures and life here.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Dutch Food: Poffertjes (Mini Pancakes)

Kristin "Can we buy more?"
Luke, "Delicious."
Easton, "OH!! Ummmmmm." (Mouth full)
Connor, "The size doesn't leave any room for bad stuff."

Poffertjes are a traditional Dutch batter treat. Resembling small, fluffy pancakes, they are made with yeast and buckwheat flour. Unlike American pancakes, they have a light, spongy texture. (via Wikipedia)
I wish I could add smells and flavours to these photos.  The delicious"mini-pancakes" are best simply served with butter and sprinkled with icing/powdered sugar.  Although rassberries and nutella go well too I'm told.


  1. I love seeing how these are made. What kind of a pan is that? Looks like Kristin needs to find one of those!
